Cloud Migration and Development

The shift into the cloud is undeniable and unavoidable. The cloud brings many benefits: low costs, a secure approved environment, easy scaling, and rabid development; however, it can also be a confusing and difficult place to navigate. Let Aayega be your guide to get the most from the cloud without breaking your budget.

Freedom in the cloud. Aayega provides fast and flexible cloud migration services. Using proprietary in-house tools Aayega can migrate your infrastructure quickly and cheaply into any cloud environment. We also provide painless cross cloud migrations, and ability to document your infrastructure-as-code, giving your business the flexibility to negotiate and avoid vendor lock ins.

Best practices for the cloud. Let Aayega be your cloud consultants, choosing the best tools for the job from across all the available cloud vendors. Using our vast cloud expertise we can help you choose the cheapest and best solutions for your business needs. Our experts are also well versed in the best security practices for cloud deployment, ensuring that your infrastructure is safe and your data is secure.